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 Tasting Trendies Spirits Challenge

"Best Taste。Good Value!"

TTSC 2024 Judging Day / Spirits Night
TTSC 2024 Results

Tasting Trendies
The mission of Tasting Trendies is to establish a competition for alcoholic beverages.  It started from advocating a customer-oriented vision, not just making it easier for consumers to find products that suit their own tastes and offer good value for money, but also becoming an "indicator of market trend" for suppliers

Every TTSC Awards-winner in terms of Best Taste while Good Value for the money to End Users!

Who are Tasting Trendies (TT)?
We originated the
TTSA Sake Awards in 2017 and have overcome all kinds of "impossibility". Started from scratch, TTSA has come a long way to become the oldest sake competition in Asia (outside of Japan). Now in its eighth year, the latest edition of TTSA 2024 Result has been published this June. Along the way, we have not only diligently organized events to promote sake, but also committed to becoming a bridge among importers, breweries, merchants, and the public, so that everyone can learn more about the culture of sake tasting. We sincerely thank Mr. NAKAHARA Naoto, Deputy ConsulGeneral of Japan in Hong Kong, for acknowledging the positive attitude and dedication that we try to put into TTSA, as well as our contributions to the Hong Kong sake industry and Hong Kong's alcoholic beverages drinkers. We are encouraged to persist as a "pioneer" and keep on playing the role of leading innovation based on our mission and core values.

What is TTSC?
Having found the key to the success of the TTSA, we are applying this successful mechanism to the
Tasting Trendies Spirits Challenge (TTSC). The TTSC covers a range of spirit categories, including Western spirits such as Gin, Tequila, and Whisky, as well as Chinese Baijiu.


The TTSC Competition will serve as a platform to educate customers, providing them with extensive and intensive awareness of the characteristics of the different spirit categories through the competition. We believe that smart customers are always willing to pay more for products they know and understand well.

Why join the TTSC competition held in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong's
global connectivity, strong foundations as an international business and financial centre, as well as its status as Asia's wine hub, mean there are many enthusiastic alcoholic beverage lovers who are often big spenders. Furthermore, Hong Kong's proximity to the Chinese Mainland market is another major advantage.


Many experts in the food and beverage sector have a good understanding of world cuisine culture and different alcoholic beverage pairings, while Hong Kong customers are enthusiastic about trying new products. Joining the TTSC is the best way for you to create a unique selling position for your brand and make your product stand out from the competition.

Process innovation!

Blind Tasting is a must! Every product entered in the competition is challenging "itself" to see if it will win the TTSC Award of Gold, Silver, or Bronze, as judged by the User Group and Expert Group respectively. Meanwhile, each product also competes for the Champion title in its specific category, such as Gin, Tequila, Whisky, Chinese Baijiu, or Super Premium. We originated the "User Group" judging panel in addition to the Expert Group, so as to enhance the value creation of the competition results and deliver an important indicator from the perspective of the end-user who spends money, while also respecting the taste preferences of the expert group.


We classify each sub-category based on the retail price. The TTSC keeps pace with feedback from customers and traders. Good taste is important, but good value for money is also critical to the buying decision. The TTSC results consider both factors to make the competition more meaningful for consumers.

Super Premium Category:

There is a "Super Premium" category within the 3 main spirit categories. You are entitled to enter your product with a retail price of HK$2,500 or above per 500ml bottle into this category, whether it is a Western spirit or Chinese Baijiu. We hope to make it easier and more reassuring for people who don't mind spending on their favourite, value-for-money spirits.

Founders' Creativity!
We continue to promote the TTSC in both B2C and B2B markets. The co-founder of TTSC, Mr. Tomy FONG, is a celebrity expert and educator of alcoholic beverages. He conducts training workshops such as the "Tasting Trendies Beer Inspector Certification Course", Chinese Baijiu Tasting Workshops, as well as food and beverage pairing dinners featuring wine, beer, sake, and world cuisine.


The two Tasting Trendies founders have featured spirits and Chinese Baijiu in their book "100 Alcoholic Beverages," published by Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co Ltd. By branching out beyond the traditional spirit tasting realm, they are bringing spirits education and appreciation to the cultural and educational fields.

TTSC 2024 Events:
The TTSC 2024 Judging Day has been scheduled on Friday, 27th September 2024. On the same day, the TTSC 2024 Spirits Night event will allow the public to enjoy tasting the entered spirits starting from dusk. Fantastic!

Registration for TTSC 2024 competition is now open, ACTION NOW!


我們於2017年首創TTSA清酒大賞並克服了各種「不可能」。感謝主!從零開始至今TTSA已成為亞洲(日本以外)歷史最悠久的清酒大賽,第8屆TTSA 2024的比賽結果也剛剛於6月公佈。一路走來,我們不僅舉辦推廣清酒活動,還致力於成為進口商和釀酒廠、商家或大眾用家之間橋樑,讓每個人都能更深入地了解清酒文化。我們衷心感謝日本駐香港副總領事中原直人先生對我們TTSA積極推動品酒文化的精神以及對香港清酒行業和香港大眾用家的貢獻的高度評價。這樣激勵了我們堅持擔當“先驅者”角色,繼續以我們核心價值觀去發揮引領創新的使命!













TTSC 2024評審日擬定於2024年9月27日(星期五)舉行,而TTSC 2024烈酒之夜則於同日晚上讓大眾從黃昏開始品嚐參賽美酒。超棒!

TTSC 2024比賽現已接受報名,立即行動吧!

Enter TTSC 2025 Now!

Important Dates :

Application Deadline         :  8 August 2025

Samples Delivery Period  :  9 - 18 August 2025

TTSC Judging Date             :  29 August 2025

TTSC  Spirits Night             :  29 August 2025​ (6pm - 10pm) 


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Enter TTSC 2024 Now! / Categories
Enter TTSC 2024 Now! / Categories
Entry Fee
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1. Please DOWNLOAD the TTSC ENTRY FORM from our website: Then complete and RETURN to us by EMAIL:


(i) Please check the amount of payment from the ENTRY FEE table.

(ii) We accept either BANK TRANSFER / REMITTANCE or CREDIT CARD, please tick the box on the Entry form. We will send the account details or credit payment email to YOU accordingly.

2. Please INFORM US when you have settled the payment by sending us the bank deposit slip / remittance if you pay by bank transfer.

3. Please prepare Two (2) Bottles of 500ml or volume equivalent as ENTRY SAMPLES (If you ship your samples outside of Hong Kong, we can assist all customs, clearance and any associated costs, but we will have to invoice you these actual expenses accordingly).

4. You will receive our email with payment receipt and delivery sample details.


Marketing & Channel Partner

HK Liquor Store is a specialty retailer of trendy drinks, with a retail network of 13 stores across Hong Kong and a strong online presence. "We carry a wide variety of spirits including Whisky, Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Mezcal, Baijiu and many other spirits that are difficult to find. Simply put, if you can't find it here, you won't find it elsewhere in Hong Kong", said Mr Zachary CHAN, our marketing and channel partner and a partner of HK Liquor Store.

Champion products of Gin, Tequila, Whisky, Chinese Baijiu and Super Premium will be showcased and sold on the shelves at the stores to test the market for at least 3 months, subject to final terms & conditions concluded by HK Liquor Store and the traders of the award-winning products.


Entry Fee
Marketing & Channel Partner
Supporting Units
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